Cedarbrae’s Message from the Board for May

Cedarbrae cn

The temperatures are starting to warm up and spring is right around the corner. We are looking forward to spending time outside in our gardens, soaking up some sunshine on patios, and exploring our surrounding communities! This feeling of hope and anticipation is something that we all feel when reflecting on the Cedarbrae Community Centre.

The board of directors agreed in March that it was important to take a step back and gather perspective on our individual and shared goals and realized that a new mission statement was needed. We are feeling energized with a renewed sense of shared focus and drive as we implement our new mission statement:

“The Cedarbrae Community League Association operates a volunteer-based, vibrant, inclusive hub that fosters engagement and provides a wide variety of activities and programs for the community.”

The centre is excited to have Robert Walker, our newest renter andy teacher, who will be leading classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:15 to 10:30 am! Robert has owned two yoga studios, taught more than 500 yoga teachers, and studied three times in India with BKS Iyengar, one of the greatest yoga teachers of all time. We are fortunate to have him teach at our centre and look forward to growing the program.

We also would like to share that we received a letter from one of our renters who expressed their gratitude towards Kathy and Darrell for the high level of service they have received while renting from us. We are so grateful for our wonderful staff and are thankful for their dedication to our community.

Click here to the Cedarbrae Community News home page for the latest Cedarbrae community updates.