Cedarbrae’s September Message from the President


Good day, everyone. A group of concerned citizens from the Cedarbrae Community along Southland Drive had a meeting with Jeromy Farkas and the engineering team responsible for the sound attenuation portion of the new connector to 90th Avenue. SW. The concern is safety, road noise and property value. The group has a petition in place with over 900 names of residents in Oakridge and Cedarbrae to install a noise barrier wall along this portion of Southland Drive. The current sound attenuation study produced by the engineering group has results indicating no need for a sound barrier.

Martin, Kathy, Ron and I have started the CCG and CFEP grant application process for the next round of projects for the Centre.

September 8, 2018 is our Annual Community Clean-up from 9:00am to 2:00pm, bring all of your unwanted disposable items to parking lot. Please take your paints, stains and aerosols to the local Fire Hall, we will not be handling these products.

We have started preparation for the Annual Craft and Bake Sale on December 8th, 2018 at 10am to 4pm and Dec 9th from 10am to 3pm.

Our next event at the Centre will be the Prairie Wrestling Association of Alberta hosting another event on September 8 and October 6, 2018.

Road construction continues on all sides of our neighborhood, if you have any concerns please contact me.

Our programs are regularly scheduled throughout the month but are subject to change. Therefore, please check out our calendar and website or call the office for information. The Centre also brings many celebrations, weddings, birthdays, and parties of all kinds. We offer some beautiful renovated spaces for rent; please call the Centre office to book a tour. We would love to help you!

Community memberships are available for our 2018 membership year. We know that our members have found the heart and soul of Cedarbrae! Meeting new friends, learning new skills, getting involved in community decision making, and having a real impact on the lives of others, are just some of the benefits of becoming a member! Membership applications can be completed and dropped off at the Centre or purchased through our website.

Please visit our web page at mycedarbrae.ca, or like us on Facebook. You can also follow us on Twitter @Cedarbraeinfo! The Centre office is often open too; stop by to check out all the activity happening in our neighbourhood!

We look forward to seeing you at the Centre!

Community minded,

Steven Brown, President, CCLA