CKE Community Garden – December Update

ChinookPark cn

Adding compost to your garden soil is one of the best ways to improve soil structure and add nutrients, both of which benefit the growth of ornamental and edible plants. Compost can be purchased in small and large bags or delivered in bulk. Even better is to create your own, using kitchen scraps and materials from your garden.

Active composting requires warmer temperatures but that doesn’t mean you can’t compost in winter. If you are keen to compost indoors, look into vermicomposting. These worm bins can produce highly rich worm castings. Places like Green Calgary and Worms at Work sell the right worms to get you started. Worms at Work’s website provides information on how to set up your bin, and how to use the worm castings.

Composting outside in the winter is not much different than in the summer. You can add any fresh scraps from your kitchen (being sure to avoid cooked food, dairy, bread, and meat products) directly onto your compost pile. If you are able to add a layer of leaves that can help with any odours, or just wait for the material to freeze. Once things start to warm up in the spring you can start turning the compost. It may be a bit wet, so adding last year’s leaves or new grass clippings to the mix can help.

Check out the compost bins at the CKE Community Garden for inspiration. And consider joining us on January 17 for our popular annual Movie Night!

Happy gardening!

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