CKE’s President’s Message for December


Happy December!

I hope that most of you have recovered from all the food frenzy holidays of Thanksgiving and Halloween. I was very thankful for my kids’ Halloween candy that left me with a much needed chocolate escape when I needed it. Although, it’s not over yet, with the holidays just around the corner! Whatever holiday you may celebrate over December and New Year’s, I wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

I wanted to bring up a topic that has been brought to my attention recently. The CKE board is aware that there is an initiative being brought on by several CKE residents, the initiative being a restrictive covenant of single-family homes in the CKE. We want to clarify that this initiative is 100% a private resident initiative and is completely separate from the CKE board. The CKE board is not and will not be involved in this initiative in any way.

I hope that you are all enjoying our fabulous CKE outdoor rinks! If there is anyone looking to join the rink rats this year, they can reach out to Tony Messer at [email protected].

We are still taking registrations for 2023 CKE memberships. The CKE Community Association is proud to offer an amazing community centre, programs, activities, services, and hall facilities for both community members and neighbouring residents. Money from memberships helps to pay for events like the Kids’ Halloween Party, the Fall Barbecue and, also, goes toward operating costs of our outdoor rinks and hall. Again, this year, we will not be having the canvassers. Community memberships also show community support for CKE board initiatives when dealing with the City of Calgary or other organizations that impact our area. To take advantage of these services, community membership is required. To read more about the benefits, pricing, and registration, please visit our website at

Also, a reminder that our CKE community hall is a fabulous place to host events! It can accommodate corporate events, birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, social events, and more! It is available for rent on an hourly or daily rate, so please get in touch with Jen at [email protected] if this interests you.

If anyone wants to chat at any time, please feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].