CKE’s President’s Message for November


Hello neighbours!

Happy November! We’ve had a busy fall so far in the CKE, with lots of fantastic events throughout the month of October, and many more to come. Our first ever socially distanced children’s Halloween party was a wonderful success, with nearly 100 kids big and small joining us for a spooky kick off to our neighbourhood Halloween festivities. And we’re game set match with our community tennis facility: thanks to Lindsey Stene’s outstanding work, we’ll have brand new courts to play on in the spring of 2021! The final surfacing work will be done as soon as the ground thaws in the spring, but it is already looking wonderful out there despite the snow and ice.

I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our five new Board members: Zonita Haggis, Julie Janssen Downe, Rachel Wenger, Leigh Gibney, and Sean Clarke. Zonita has been the driving force behind the fantastic events you’ve seen happen this fall at the hall, including our amazing sold out Halloween scavenger hunt and costume parade! It has been wonderful to welcome her into her new role as Social Director over the past month. Julie has stepped quickly into the role of Director at Large, and she’ll be playing a critical role on our community-focused committees and our Board initiatives moving forward. Rachel and Leigh are bringing their professionalism and insight to building new and vital communications with all of us in the CKE and they have already done incredible work connecting neighbours with neighbourhood news and events on our social media and website homes. And Sean has already made a huge impact helping neighbours with planning and development questions in his role as Planning Director. He’s been hitting the ground running by developing connections with city and community planning initiatives, and his experience as a member of planning and development in the past makes him a massive asset to our team. Welcome Zonita, Julie, Rachel, Leigh, and Sean!

As we move into November, and as we honour Remembrance Day on November 11, I’d also like to take a moment to recognize all of our community members who have served in Canada’s armed forces. Thank you to those who have served and sacrificed for the freedom we have today.

Stay well, stay safe, and stay in touch!

AnneMarie Dorland

CKE President