Coach Hill Patterson Heights’ AGM Recap

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Thank-you to those who came out to the Annual General Meeting in May, the first we’ve held in person since 2019!

We were thrilled with the level of engagement from the community! We recorded your questions and comments and are working on addressing what we’ve heard. Your feedback, concerns, and suggestion are valuable to help us with growth and direction. Thank you!


• 2022 AGM minutes and 2022 audited financials approved.

• We have made significant gains in improvements for traffic and safety this past year with new stop signs and crosswalks.

• Outdoor Activity Hub – we’ve named the Calgary Parks Foundation project manager, won two big grants, and are confident we will break ground this year!

• We have checked off many of our goals in our strategic four-year business plan.

• We continue to offer lots of fun events and are working on providing more program opportunities.

Board Changes:

• We welcome Talena Klypak as our new President for the Coach Hill Patterson Heights Community Association after several years as Vice President.

• We also welcome Jade O’Hearn who has kindly stepped up as our new Secretary.

• Our previous secretary, Leanne Albertson has moved to Membership Coordinator, an important but challenging role which we are pleased is in her capable hands.

• The position of Vice President remails vacant. If you are interested in this role, please reach out to [email protected].

If you would like to see the minutes of the Annual General Meeting or any of our Board meetings, you can request a copy by emailing [email protected]. These documents are available to both members and non-members.

We have a fantastic group of people who donate hours of their time every month to make our communities a wonderful place to live. This group that makes up our board is very strong. We are pleased with our progress and looking forward to a successful 2023 season.

Click here to the Coach Hill Community News home page for the latest Coach Hill community updates.

Click here to the Patterson Community News home page for the latest Patterson community updates.