Discover Ridge Homeowner’s Association News for November

Community Newsletter DiscoveryRidge e

Winter is looming, and with it comes the transition from greenspace maintenance to pathway snow clearing. The NDHA currently splits responsibility for snow clearing in the community with the City of Calgary. Please note that all public (i.e. not adjacent to a private home or business) sidewalks on Discovery Ridge Boulevard, Discovery Ridge Lane and Discovery Ridge Hill, in addition to several other small sections of sidewalk in our community are City responsibility. Use this link, and click on the “Snow Clearing” tab to determine if a sidewalk is the responsibility of the City. Please call 311 if you have concerns about snow clearing in these areas, or if a homeowner is not clearing the sidewalk adjacent to their home.

  • City policy is that sidewalks under its control will be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event.

*If it is snowing anywhere in the City, the snow event is not considered “ended”.

  • The NDHA’s policy is to have walkways and sidewalks under its control cleared within 24 hours of a snowfall, and every 24 hours thereafter until the snow stops.

Do not hesitate to contact the NDHA if you see pathways not under City responsibility in need of snow or ice attention. We make our community paths and sidewalks as safe as possible during the winter months, but rapid changes do occur. Please be vigilant and use caution when using them.

2020 AGM

The NDHA AGM took place on October 28. The AGM is mandated in our Articles of Association and we were at the maximum time limit for it to take place. Without an AGM, the Association could be forced to suspend operations. The NDHA is required to have at least 10% of the membership represented via proxy or in person at an AGM. Due to COVID-19 provincial restrictions on public gatherings, the board determined an in-person meeting would be too risky to manage and a potentially serious health hazard for members. The 2020 AGM was conducted by Proxy, with only the Board of Directors attending in person. All NDHA members received their AGM Notice and Proxy materials, either by email (if we have your email address) or by post-mail. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.


We appreciate that many residents have paid their 2020 Fees on time this year. There are about 130 outstanding accounts from 2020 awaiting this legally required payment. Please note, unpaid fees are referred to our lawyer for collection, at which time legal fees are added, significantly increasing the amount you are required to pay. If you are unsure of your payment status, email the Treasurer at [email protected] noting your residential address.

Fall Clean-Up

ULS has completed the fall clean-up. The Bedding Crews have completed all median beds and smaller linear parks by trimming back many perennials, general clean up of beds, weeding, garbage clean-up, and sweeping gravel from pathways around playgrounds. The Mow and Trim Crews were scheduled to be out October 19 to 21 to complete a last mow and fall leaf cleanup for end of the season. ULS snow removal crews will be ready when the snow flies.

NDHA Mandate

There have been several enquiries and comments asking the NDHA to become involved in issues for which it has no mandate or ability to engage in. The collection of your annual fee is a result of the contractual obligation between the NDHA and each homeowner, via the Encumbrance secured on each property title. This Encumbrance, in addition to our Articles of Association, very explicitly govern what the NDHA can do, how we do it and what we can legally spend membership fees on. Both the Articles of Association and Encumbrance documents are available to read on our website. You will see that the fee collected is specifically directed for use in the “operations, maintenance and implementation of replacement services of the public walkways, boulevards, road medians, entrance features and relating signage within the residential development area…”

Apart from select public spaces in Phases 1 and 2 (areas to the left and right of the roundabout), the city owns the public lands in the community. Our “ELM” agreement with the City dictates what we are (and are not) allowed to maintain on those lands. Fences on greenspaces, playground equipment, emptying of trash bins, trees and natural areas are all examples of things we cannot maintain. 311 should be contacted if you have a concern in these areas. Greenspace manicured turf, shrubs and shrub beds, the roundabout waterfall, irrigation, pet waste dispensers, park benches and Xeriscaped medians are examples of what we can maintain. Contact the NDHA if you have concerns in these areas.

The NDHA cannot become involved in community matters outside of this mandate.

The Discovery Ridge Community Association (DRCA) can, however, be contacted for information, help and direction regarding all other matters. The DRCA is extremely important to the community. Only the DRCA can represent Discovery Ridge on issues of traffic, safety, security, etc. They provide the community with recreational facilities, family events and numerous other activities. If these things are important to you and add to the quality of life and value of your home, we strongly recommend that you purchase a $25 DRCA membership for your household at

Holiday Lights and Foliage

Lights were installed in October and will be turned on later this month. The holiday foliage display in the entrance planters will be installed for your enjoyment before the next newsletter.

We are always happy to hear from our NDHA members; please access our website at to send an email. You can also call us at 403-237-9595, or mail us at Box 2478, 246 Stewart Green SW, Calgary, AB T3H 3C8.