Discovery Ridge’s Homeowners’ Association (NDHA) News for March

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Happy March everyone! As we wind down the winter season and look forward to spring (fingers crossed), NDHA’s main priority continues to be clearing snow from community pathways. With the variable weather we often see in spring, we often see pathways melting during the day only to freeze overnight. We encourage you all to be very careful as you enjoy our neighbourhood pathways. Also please reach out to us if you see an area that you think needs attention.

3-1-1 Issues

In recent weeks, several neighbours have noticed damage to the curb at the new level crosswalk on Discovery Ridge Boulevard. This is disappointing because this work was only completed in the fall of 2024. Infrastructure, like curbs and retaining walls, as well as trees in the public areas of Discovery Ridge are almost all the responsibility of the City of Calgary. If you see damage to this kind of infrastructure or a fallen tree, the NDHA Board encourages you to contact the City’s 3-1-1 line. You can phone them at 3-1-1, reach out via the City’s website (, or even download their app to your device. The City is fairly responsive to problems brought to their attention through 3-1-1. Also, the more connections they get about a given problem via 3-1-1, the more quickly they respond. If you see an issue that the City should fix, reach out to them via 3-1-1 and encourage your friends and neighbours to do the same.

2025 Fees

By now, you should have received your annual NDHA invoice. Your 2025 membership fee remains at $325. For most homeowners, your invoice was sent to the email address registered on your membership account portal. Please check your “junk” folder if you have not seen it yet. If there is no email address set up in your portal, a paper invoice was sent to your on-file mailing address via Canada Post. We ask that you check your email address, mailing address, and other contact information is registered and up to date with the NDHA. Fee payments can be made by credit card, Interac E-Transfer, or by cheque. Please refer to your invoice for further payment information.

If you are unsure of your invoice or payment status, you can access this information via your membership portal at If you have questions or concerns, or require help accessing the membership portal, contact our Membership Director at [email protected].

*Important: some people own multiple homes in Discovery Ridge; please indicate your full name and the address of the property in your email enquiry.

Thank you in advance for your timely payment!

The NDHA Board has established the 2025 budget that will guide us in determining what projects will be completed this growing season. The “to-do” list is always long, but we work to ensure a financially responsible approach to keep our community green spaces as beautiful as ever.

New Homeowner?

If you have moved to Discovery Ridge in the past year, welcome! If you ever wonder about the NDHA or the work we do in the community, a lot of information is on our website at The monthly news articles on our homepage and the FAQ tab are great sources of important information.

If you do not know how to set up and access your membership portal, or have difficulty doing so, please email our Membership Director at [email protected]. We would really appreciate you taking a moment to do this – it is important that we have the correct owner information for your property in our files. It will also make a big difference in how much time our volunteers spend tracking down new owners. Lawyers in real estate purchases sometimes fail to contact us about ownership changes or status of fees. Annual fees should be sorted out upon sale and is the responsibility of the parties involved to correctly pro-rate paid (or outstanding) fees for each property. Please note that the annual fee is not optional. It is secured by the NDHA Encumbrance registered on your property title. Fee enquiries should be emailed to the NDHA treasurer at [email protected].

We are always happy to hear from our NDHA members. You can contact us in various ways via our website at, send us an email at [email protected], or even call us at 403-237-9595. As always, if you are interested in helping the NDHA maintain one of the most beautifully landscaped communities in Calgary, reach out through our website or email us at [email protected].

Click here to the Discovery Ridge Community News home page for the latest Discovery Ridge community updates.