Discovery Ridge’s Letter from the Board for January

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Happy New Year!

Just a couple updates as we start off the new year.

First, the Discovery Ridge Community Annual General Meeting will be held on Zoom on February 26 at 7:00 pm. DRCA members will receive a Zoom link by email closer to the date. The AGM is open to all residents to attend and find out more about the DRCA. At the AGM we will summarize the activities and financials over the last fiscal year and vote on the executive for the following year. If you are interested in joining the board in an executive or non-executive role, please reach out to the DRCA. See contact information in a later section in this newsletter.

Second, the DRCA Special Events Committee has decided to go ahead with the DRCA Stampede Roundup this June and DRCA Music in the Park in September as our signature events again. We are open to new ideas for events in addition to these.

If you are interested in joining our monthly DRCA Zoom meeting to find out more about how the DRCA works or if you have any questions or would like to join the board, please email us at [email protected]. Our meetings are usually held the first Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. A Zoom link will be sent to you.

On behalf of your DRCA Board wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

Click here to the Discovery Ridge Community News home page for the latest Discovery Ridge community updates.