Discovery Ridge’s Letter from the Board for July

DiscoveryRidge cn

Hello Neighbours!

Thank you to our sponsors and volunteers for making the DRCA Stampede Roundup a success! Our sponsors were Kristin Mould (CIR Realty), Ron Liepert, M.P., City of Calgary, Discovery Dental, No Payne Roofing, DR Fine Wines and Spirits, Staging Calgary, Wonder Donuts, Maharajah restaurant, and Cheryl Sanguinetti Mortgages.

We will be having food trucks in the community over the summer so watch for signs near the entrance to Discovery for dates.

Save the Date!

Please join us for the DRCA Music in the Park event on Saturday, September 9 at the park. With bands, beer gardens, and kids’ activities, the event is always a smash hit.

With summer now here, please report any illegal activity that you may see in Griffith Woods. Note that campfires are not allowed in the woods and represent a major fire hazard to the community. Call 311 or 911 depending on the circumstances.

You may have noticed that an art mural is being done on our community bottle shack to help it fit better with the natural landscape of the park area. Local Alberta artist Emily Beaudoin is doing the mural.

Enjoy the beautiful summer weather!

On behalf of your DRCA Board

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