Discovery Ridge’s Letter from the Board for November

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Hello Discovery Ridge Neighbours!

As this article is written in mid-October, we are still enjoying the spectacular fall weather that we have been receiving. Discovery Ridge is beautiful in different ways at all times of the year, but it’s hard to top the majestic fall colours our neighbourhood and Griffith Woods share with us. The Northern Lights were a particularly special treat this year as well! We hope that you’ve enjoyed your summer and fall and had a chance to attend our Stampede Roundup and/or Music In The Park events to connect with other residents and friends. Thank you to all that organized and volunteered at these community events!

An additional thank you to the volunteers who have recently stepped forward to assist with events, communications, and fire safety matters. A lot of people doing a little work makes a huge difference!

As we turn to winter, we find ourselves at a crossroad with our DRCA Recreation Facility ice rinks. While every year we must put out calls for volunteer support, with new help and the dedicated crews of residents we’ve had year after year, the ice rinks have always come to life for residents to enjoy. This year, after many years of volunteering, we have several leads and team members that are retiring from their roles. Without replacements, we are short far too many sets of hands to have ice in the rinks this year.

If you and your family would like to see ice rinks this winter, please volunteer for a few hours of work each month, for just the few ice rink season months. To offer your support, please contact us at [email protected]. If you’d like more information or would like to ask questions before committing, please still reach out and one of our Board members or Rec Facility volunteers will be more than happy to chat with anyone.

Best regards,

DRCA Board

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