CECA Traffic and Safety Update for February

Evergreen cn

Please slow down, drive safely, and watch out for each other!


Snow and Ice

With the snow we received this winter, please help your neighbours and yourself by shovelling the snow. Also do not plow your street without a permit from the city. There are insurance requirements for this. Also, be aware of ice at intersections. Stop with enough room so that you will not go into the intersection if you are bumped from behind. Careful when approaching an intersection as they can be icy, and you may not be able to stop.

Fish Creek Blvd

We are continuing to work with the city to see what changes can be made to slow down traffic on the boulevard. Now that it is a connector to the ring road, it goes by two schools and we are not seeing enough traffic slow down in the playground zones, or the dangerous S bend with low visibility and bus stops.


Crimes of Opportunity

Keep your doors locked! This includes car doors, garage man doors, house doors, and garage doors. Please follow a 9 pm routine to lock your vehicles and doors before going to bed. Keeping a porch light on at night helps deter crime.

Operation Cold Start

Again, this winter the CPS will be conducting Operation Cold Start. Looking for unlocked cars left running to warm up. If you must start your car in the morning, either stay with the car or invest in a remote car starter.

Help Make Evergreen Feel Safe Again!

It has been reported that not many people are feeling safe in the community. The statistics are low, but there can still be work done. Some things you can do to help the community is to get to know your neighbours and fellow parents at school. A community that knows each other and looks out for each other is safer. Talk to your kids about being responsible in the community and not causing issues. Over the years we have heard reports about kids hanging out at the schools causing mischief. We definitely don’t want to be a policing community or have to call for more patrols. Your help is appreciated.

Be a Snow Angel!

Help your neighbours who may be unable to clear their own sidewalks of snow and ice.


Once again, if you witness any traffic issues on an ongoing basis, please take the time to both report it to me at [email protected] and also via the Traffic Service Request directly to the police. This can be done at http://www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Traffic/Traffic-Service-Requests.aspx.

Please report road and sign issues to 3-1-1. This can be done online at http://www.calgary.ca/CS/CSC/Pages/311.aspx or at the app website http://spot311.calgary.ca.

The smartphone app is called Calgary 311.

If you have any questions, concerns, or wish to comment on anything written here, you can email Traffic at [email protected] or Safety at [email protected].


Paul Bushell

Traffic and Safety Director.

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