Evergreen Teen is Making A Huge Difference in the Neighbourhood!

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Patricia, a local high school student, is cleaning up the neighbourhood to raise money for the Veterans’ Food Bank and she’s hoping for people to contribute bottles for her youth group or food donations for the Veterans’ Food Bank. These are some ways for her to actively work toward the Duke of Edinburgh Award, a youth program which teaches the value of hard work and fosters the importance of relationships and gaining connections with community members.

Patricia has been doing this for the last two years. It started when she got her dog, and he would grab garbage to eat it while on a walk. It was a constant problem. The debris she was finding was ridiculous and thankfully, she decided to do something about it. All the waste picked up by Patricia is dumped in their house waste bin.

Her family will help deliver the food donations to the Veterans’ Food Bank when there is enough to make the trip worthwhile, but please don’t donate expired food items.

When the community identifies specific trouble areas for cleanup, she and the team will try to spend more time on those streets as needed.

Thanks to all who have been supporting her amazing effort to beautify our community and those who have donated bottles to the cadets or gave donations to the food bank.

Please continue your hard work, Patricia! We need you and many more like you in our community! Big, big thanks!

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