Evergreen’s Traffic and Safety Update for October

Evergreen cn

Please slow down, drive safely, and watch out for each other!

Traffic Update


This is the time of year when temperatures fluctuate, and we will begin to get wet and icy conditions. Consider booking the changeover to your winter tires early to avoid the back log in November and December. Studies and experts say that when the temperature drops into the single digits, you will actually find that you will have better grip with winter tires. This will also increase your stopping distance which is very important. Don’t wait for the snow to fall!

Ring Road

There are still some communities that will find Fish Creek Blvd easier to access the ring road. We are continuing to work with the city to find solutions to make that section of roadway safer.


As daylight decreases at this time of year, it is more important for us to keep our speed in check to watch out for those around the schools but also for kids getting to and from home. Please watch out for kids in the playground zones.


If you have multiple vehicles and/or guests or tenants and need to park in front of a neighbour’s house, please take the time to knock on their door and explain your situation. If we are aware of why cars are parked in front of our house, we can all be more accommodating. Please also park facing the correct way on the street and far from corners and bends. Please avoid parking large trucks or a trailer on a bend or close to a corner. This will impede visibility.

Safety Update

Lock Your Cars, Put Valuables Away and Close Your Doors!

Car prowling and theft continues to be an issue. Keep your valuables out of sight, including your garage door opener! Follow the 9pm routine.

Garage Doors

The times that I drive around Evergreen, I continually see garage doors left open, and items left in front yards. Don’t give thieves easy access! Stuff that can easily be fenced to make quick money is what they are after. Not everyone is reading this, so if you are, tell your neighbours!


We are continuing to monitor the traffic in Evergreen and send in traffic service requests regarding speeding, unsafe corners, and parking as often as we can. You can help with this. Read on.

If you witness any traffic issues on an ongoing basis, please take the time to both report it to me at [email protected] and also via the Traffic Service Request directly to the police. This can be done at http://www.calgary.ca/cps/Pages/Traffic/Traffic-Service-Requests.aspx.

Please report road and sign issues to 3-1-1. This can be done online at http://www.calgary.ca/CS/CSC/Pages/311.aspx.

If you have any traffic or safety questions or concerns, or wish to comment on anything written here, you can email them to [email protected] or [email protected].


Paul Bushell,

Traffic and Safety Director

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