Message from the CECA Board for February

Evergreen cn

Dear Neighbours,

As we find ourselves in the heart of winter, I want to take a moment to reflect on how much our community has come together. Your participation, whether it’s through attending our events, supporting local initiatives, donating to our programs, or simply being an engaged neighbour, truly makes our community the vibrant and welcoming place we all cherish. Thank you for your continued involvement.

A particular thank you is owed to the incredible group of volunteers who take such good care of our outdoor community ice rink. This winter, they have been out there flooding the rink (at sub-zero temperatures), clearing snow, and ensuring the ice is in prime condition for all to enjoy. It’s because of their hard work and commitment that so many of us can experience the joy of skating. The rink has become a gathering place for families, friends, and neighbours, and we’re truly grateful for those who give their time to make it a reality.

If you’ve had the chance to enjoy the rink this season, I hope you’ve seen firsthand how much effort goes into keeping it in top shape. From clearing snow after a storm to maintaining the surface, the rink volunteers do it all. If you’re able, please take a moment to thank these dedicated individuals when you see them out there – their work is vital to keeping this wonderful tradition alive in our community. We also encourage anyone interested in helping out to get involved; every little bit makes a difference. Please email [email protected] to include you in the list of volunteers.

In addition, I want to extend an invitation to those in our community who may be interested in taking their involvement a step further. The Community Association Board of Directors is looking for new members to join our team. If you have a passion for making a positive impact, sharing your skills, or simply want to help shape the future of our neighbourhood, we’d love to have you. Please email [email protected] for more information.

I am receiving many inquiries about Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) and Evergreen Residents Association (ERA) and would like to clarify the difference. Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA) is a separate entity from Evergreen Residents Association (ERA). Most residents (including myself) are paying an annual fee of $105 (homeowner fees) to the ERA, which is specifically used for ongoing operations and maintenance of the community entrance features and feature park sites. CECA do not receive any portion of annual homeowner fees. All CECA’s activities are funded via membership sales, grants, and generous donations of businesses and residents. CECA is responsible for the many events throughout the year in our community, such as the Winter Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, Parade of Garage Sales, and more, as well as building and maintaining the rink.

Please consider purchasing a membership via our website: Cost of the annual membership is $20 per family. This would entitle you and your family to participate in many events that we hold for the community.


Winter Festival

Saturday, February 15, 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Seniors’ Hobnob

Please note change of day. The monthly Seniors’ Hobnob is switching to every last Thursday of the month between 6:00 and 7:00 pm at Swan Evergreen Village (2635 Eversyde Ave SW). Contact Sherrisa for more information at 403-829-1078.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

[email protected]

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