Message from the CECA Board for November

Evergreen cn

Hello Evergreen residents,

Hope all are having great times with families!

Thank you all for participating in the second Multicultural Festival that was held at Marshall Springs School on Saturday, September 28, 2024. The event was a huge success thanks to our sponsors, presenters, volunteers, and the residents of the great community of Evergreen. The event was attended by more than 400 residents. We are planning to repeat this event in the coming years.

The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held in person on Thursday, October 17 at Cardel Rec South and online. A new board was elected. Some of CECA’s existing directors will continue their service term for another year and some left us. Thank you to those who served with us, the new elected directors, and those who attended the AGM.

Evergreen roads are getting busier with more people using Stoney Trail. Speeding issues were noted in a few locations within our community. Our traffic director is working hard to address the traffic related items to make sure that people are safe, especially closer to schools. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please email us at [email protected]. All are encouraged to communicate with the city and convey their concerns and suggestions.


Traffic and Safety Forum

Thursday, November 21, 2024, at 6:30 pm.

Online via Google Meet (link available on Facebook).

The objective of this will be to listen to the concerns raised by the residents of the community, and to let everyone know what steps are being taken to make vehicle and pedestrian traffic safer in Evergreen. A panel of people from the city will be on hand to answer your questions. We will also address any safety concerns that residents have for the community.

If you have any concerns but are not able to attend, you can email your concern to [email protected].

Seniors’ Hobnob

The monthly Seniors’ Hobnob program is ongoing. It is held every last Wednesday of the month, (November 30). If you would like to participate, have questions, or would like more information, please send an email to [email protected].

Christmas Light Contest

We are still planning for the Christmas Light Contest. This is a very popular event that has been successfully running for a few years now. Please stay tuned for details. Contest rules will be posted on CECA’s website and Facebook page.

Volunteer With Us!

Skating Rink

We need a group of volunteers for the ice rink, to install and maintain it. We have been running the ice rink for more than seven years now, with only a few dedicated volunteers maintaining it. If we do not get enough ice rink volunteers for this year, reluctantly we will not be able to set it up. Please volunteer so everyone can continue to enjoy this fun winter activity.

Board Directors

We are looking for two key positions on the board of directors: Membership and Website Director. If you would like to join us, please email our volunteer director at [email protected].

Talk to you next month!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

Phone: 403-397-7722 Email: [email protected] Website:

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