Message from the CECA Board for September

Evergreen cn

Hello again!

Hope every one of you had a fantastic summer with family and friends and enjoyed it to the fullest. Fall (or winter) is at our doors!

We are planning to organize another Multicultural Festival this year. This event had remarkable success last year. Maybe you are a performer or would like to have a table to showcase your culture. Please reach out to us if you are interested in participating at [email protected]. Our Seniors’ Hobnob is ongoing. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the gardening contest for this year due to the low number of participants resulting from the harsh summer and water usage limitations imposed by the City of Calgary. The plan is to have it next year.

We also had to reschedule our Babysitting and Home Alone courses to Saturday, September 28 at Cardel Rec. South located at 100 – 333 Shawville Blvd SE, Calgary, AB T2Y 4H3. Please check our social media and CECA’s website,, for updates and registration.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in October at Cardel Rec. South. We encourage you to attend the meeting as we will discuss last year’s performance and upcoming plans, and a new board of directors will be elected. You can also send your proxy if you cannot attend the meeting. Please check our website for updates.

On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank our previous membership director Vivian Damitan for her efforts and participation during the time she served in this position.


Evergreen Community Association is providing services to the community thanks to the enthusiastic group of volunteers who make up our board of directors and also resident volunteers who come and help us run our events and programs during the year. We are always looking for people like yourself to help and engage in serving our community. Currently, we are looking for a Membership Director. This position requires four to six hours a month. Onboard training is provided. You can also help us by volunteering in our numerous events and programs. Please email our volunteer director at [email protected] for details or more information.


Please remember to purchase or renew your membership. Cost of membership is $20 per family per year and proceeds from membership sales help CECA to run programs and events for you and your families. You can either renew online or download the CECA membership form in PDF format, fill, and mail it in along with your cheque.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please contact us anytime using our Facebook page or email me directly at [email protected].

We encourage you to like us on Facebook and follow us on X(Twitter) to get updates on events, programs, and important messages.

Thank you again!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

Click here to the Evergreen Community News home page for the latest Evergreen community updates.


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