Glenbrook’s President’s Message for April


Happy spring, Glenbrook!

As winter comes to an end, we all look forward to the change of seasons and enjoying our outdoor spaces more. April is always the start of street cleaning in our community, so watch for the signs in Glenbrook, or call 311 for more information.

Last month, each resident should have received a mailout from the City of Calgary, asking for your feedback regarding future development plans for Glenbrook. Phase 2 of the Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project began on March 7. This phase of engagement will focus on exploring where and how growth and change could happen within the Westbrook communities – which, along with Glenbrook, include Wildwood, Spruce Cliff, Westgate, Rosscarrock, Shaganappi, Glendale, Killarney/Glengarry, and portions of Richmond and Upper Scarboro/Sunalta West. Input collected during Phase 2 will be used to refine local area plan content and concepts, including community investment priorities. Phase 3 is anticipated for June of this year. Visit to learn more and subscribe for updates. Please be informed and provide your input!

Spring is always a busy time for Glenbrook, and there is lots going on, especially this year. For one, we are now accepting nominations for our two community awards. The first is the Glenbrook Lifetime Member Award, given to a deserving resident with 15 or more years of dedicated volunteer service to the community. The second is the Glenbrook Community Partnership Award, given to a business or group with 10 or more years of work contributing to life in Glenbrook. Nomination forms are available at Glenbrook Hall, or by request to [email protected]. For more information, send me an email at [email protected].

Glenbrook’s annual clean-up day is also coming up soon, taking place on Saturday, May 7. Please find the ad in this newsletter for further details.

As always, please remember to watch carefully for playground and school speed zones, which run late into the evenings. With last month’s switch to daylight saving time, our residents will be out enjoying the community later as well. Drive safe and take care on our streets.

Murray Ost, President