Glenbrook’s President’s Message for December


Happy December, Glenbrook!

With the holiday season just around the corner, I would like to take this moment to wish you and your family all the very best. Living through the pandemic and its ever-changing health restrictions has been a challenge for everyone. Please take the time over the holidays to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

You may have heard about the Westbrook Communities Local Area Planning Project, which is currently being developed. It is an important document for all future development and redevelopment in Glenbrook and other nearby neighbourhoods. We need your input to make sure this document reflects how Glenbrook residents want development in their community to proceed, as it will guide the Westbrook area for the foreseeable future. You can provide your feedback until Friday, December 10, online at, or at the “My Idea Station” set up for engagement at Glenbrook Hall. It will then go to the Westbrook LAP working group, made up of community association and neighbourhood representatives, for consideration.

As we all know, winter can be a challenging time here in Calgary. Please watch out for some of our neighbours who might be struggling more than most. As a friendly gesture, help a neighbour if you can by shovelling a walk or driveway, or even help with something as simple as carrying parcels to their car as streets and parking lots get icy. If you know of someone who regularly helps a neighbour out with shovelling their walk, you can nominate them as a Snow Angel by calling 311.

I hope to see you all at some point during the winter, and that you have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year.

All the best,

Murray Ost, President

Glenbrook Community Association

[email protected] | 403-616-4644