Glendale News Board for March

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Board Updates

At our February Board meeting, we had a great discussion about the potential to increase GGMCA’s relationship with local businesses. A few businesses have approached us with offers and opportunities that benefit Glendale members. This initiative has great potential, and neighbouring communities such as Killarney already have very active community member benefits programs. If you are interested in supporting a members’ benefits program, contact [email protected].

The Board has also been working hard to secure various grants to help make our hall and grounds and engaging space for all residents. This includes a decision to engage a landscape architect on the Naturally, Glendale program (stay tuned for more info!) and an artist to create a mural to beautify the grounds. We would also like to make improvements to the signage at the driveway entrance.

The Board would like to thank Kent Viccars for his efforts on the Board and coordination the rink volunteers this year. He has notified the Board that he will be stepping down from the Board at the end of March.

With that, the Board is open to welcoming and working with Glendale residents who would like to volunteer either on the Board or to help coordinate some of the events we have planned over the spring and summer. Many hands make light work! Contact [email protected] if you are interested in hearing more about what could be possible.

January Winter Fun Day

On Saturday, January 25, we had a bit of a change in plans! The originally planned Winter Fun Day could not go forward due to a change in plans for volunteers. However, a local company, Drip & Roll, reached out to the Board about a test event they were able to use the outdoor rink for, and the result was a lot of fun had by all!

Updates From the City of Calgary

Green Line LRT Update: Calgary City Council voted yes on the Green Line LRT, getting shovels in the ground this year in the southeast and beginning work immediately on the connection into the downtown. This decision reflects months of work with the Province of Alberta on a path forward for the largest infrastructure investment in Calgary’s history. More information is available at

Calgary Parks is running their tree education sessions again this spring, while the events are not until March spaces fill up quickly. Registration for “Right Tree, Right Location” is now open on the website as well as other resources for those looking to plant or maintain trees in the city. Other sessions will be posted on the same page closer to March visit for more details.

The Travel Safe Student Video contest is open to Calgary students from kindergarten to Grade 12 ( The deadline is April 30. Have fun!

Calgarians will soon see big savings on their Blue Cart fee on their Enmax bill, which will drop to just $2.17 per month—that’s a $7.17 per month savings for every household as a result of Alberta’s new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system.

Have you ever wondered what exactly community associations do? The City has put together these helpful infographics, which help paint the picture about the work of community association across the city!

Upcoming Events

Most events are free, and we ask that all participants have an active community association membership. Watch for the following fun activities and to register.

• March 11, 10:00 am to Noon – Glendale Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the hall from 10:00 am until noon. Check for the upcoming titles or contact Manibh at [email protected]. March’s book will be Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.

• March 11 at Noon – “Coffee and Learn” at the Glendale Hall with Le Family Dental on the Canadian Dental Care Plan benefits. Everyone is welcome. Did you know? Le Family Dental is also offering free dental exams when you show your Glendale Community Association membership card when you book your appointment.

• Spring TBD – We are waiting to hear from the City on our assigned date for the annual Community Cleanup Day – stay tuned!

• May 2 to 4 – Calgary Artists Tour. Artists applications close March 15. See

• May 3 to 4, TBD – Jane’s Walk is a global event held annually on the first weekend in May. Stay tuned for more information on the Glendale event!

• May 31, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Glendale’s annual Parade of Garage Sales is back! Register by May 28 for free at

• July 12 – Hold this date for Glendale’s annual Stampede breakfast!

• July 20 to 21 – Glendale’s casino fundraiser date has been assigned! Volunteers needed! Stay tuned for more information.

Click here to the Glendale Community News home page for the latest Glendale community updates.