If you have noticed how spectacular the Community Hall property is looking these days, say thanks to Mathew Reimer and Sam Chakravorty. Mathew and Sam are summer students hired under a federal employment program for two months this summer. They have been mowing the lawn and whacking down tall grass all around the property. They have been watering the community garden, digging weeds, and they installed our beautiful new Community Garden sign.
The gents have also been working hard inside the hall helping to refinish shelves and furniture and painting the preschool classroom. Sam is a high school student and Mathew studies engineering in university. Thanks for your help this summer and best of luck in your studies.
- Thank you to Michael Bussoli for carving our new Glendale Community Garden sign. It looks beautiful out there!
- Meetings and other events can resume in community halls. The indoor gathering limit is 50 people during Stage 2 of the Alberta government COVID-19 reopening strategy, as long as 2 metres physical distance is maintained between individuals who are not in the same household/cohort. If you have a rental inquiry for the Glendale Community Hall, email [email protected]. Visit alberta.ca/biz-connect for more guidance on how to conduct your event safely.
- Inspired by Glendale Music Day, Kelwood Place resident Jeff Sulima brought out his bandmates in the Red Line Trio for a Sunday afternoon of live music on Glendale streets on July 5. Neighbours were entertained by Red Line Trio’s smooth jazz and had a great time all afternoon.
- While we all missed Stampeding this summer, Glendale resident Laura Nixon got a visit from Stampede Royalty in July. Laura arranged for a donation to Stampede United Way charities and was the lucky recipient of the visit from Stampede princesses and mascot Harry the Horse. It was great to have a taste of Calgary’s Stampede spirit on our
streets, and we can’t wait for the party to relaunch in 2021.
- Registration is continuing for the 2020-2021 school year at Glendale Community Preschool. Make sure your 3- and 4-year-old children are part of a wonderful social development and educational experience. Contact Jodi Durant at [email protected] for more information.
- Glendale Community Association’s annual general meeting will be held September 9 at the Community Hall. Attendance will be limited to 50 people, and social distance protocols and will be in effect for the meeting. Facemasks are strongly encouraged for all attendees.