Glendale’s News Board for September

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Glendale’s Stampede Breakfast was another big success! We had over 450 people attend, the line ups were under 15 minutes, and we had musicians Greg Albright and Andy Cotter keeping the crowd entertained – a very big thank you to them! Kelly won a gift basket generously donated by Viki Fairbairn, and event photos were taken by the talented Kent Klatchuk. This event couldn’t have happened without the many volunteers who bring together the planning, set up, and pancake flipping! Ours hats off to the community volunteers who prepped, cooked and cleaned, and the Le Family Dental team for an awesome job serving. We couldn’t have had this much fun without you!

Stay tuned for more Glendale News through the fall as the new Board, elected at the September AGM, gets rolling.

Upcoming Events

Most events are free, and we ask that all participants have an active community association membership. Watch for the following fun activities and to register.

September 10 – Glendale Book Club is restarting after a summer break! Join us on the second Tuesday of each month at the hall from 10:00 am until noon. Check for the upcoming title or contact Manibh at [email protected]!

November 2 – Craft Show and Sale at the hall! Details to come. Contact Monika Smith, the coordinator at [email protected].

Click here to the Glendale Community News home page for the latest Glendale community updates.


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