Glendale’s President’s Message for March

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Ah, March! The month that supposedly holds the first day of “spring”, but we in Calgary know what it really means. Third (or fourth) winter. No need to fret when that wet snowfall comes because we can always use the moisture in our dry climate. The name March comes from the Latin word Martius meaning, “of Mars”, referring to the Roman god of war. March is the first month in the ancient Roman calendar so if January and February didn’t go your way, hit the reset button and start 2025 over the Roman way.

Speaking of Romans, with all that’s going on in the world today it certainly can be mentally draining, so looking to the advice of the last great Roman Emperor might be helpful. Marcus Aurelius tells himself, “You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

Days of significance this month include St. Patrick’s Day, which is a wonderful excuse to wear green, drink green (beer), and get together with friends to celebrate with the Irish. Keep an eye on your calendar for spring break when the kids won’t be in school. The malls, pools, rec centres, and libraries will all be busier than usual. Some families choose this time to go on vacation which I think is a smart choice because you won’t have to coordinate complex childcare solutions. As a parent myself I know how challenging it can be juggling the family schedule and planning camps for kids throughout the year. It’s about as complicated as doing your taxes…speaking of taxes, that is in season in March too!

Your Glendale Board is busy working on adopting a new membership and booking platform. We can’t wait to share the news formally with you later this year. Being a member of the Community Association is something we hope you all consider. Membership cost is nominal compared to the benefits that you experience. And, if you have ideas for additional membership benefits that can be brought into our community to add value to you and your neighbours, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know.

I’d like to extend a big thank you to our rink flooding volunteers who maintained the outdoor ice this past skating season. We know you have high standards and take pride in that ice surface and want you to know your community greatly appreciates your time and effort.

Lastly, keep an eye out in the coming months for a few key community volunteer opportunities including our Community Cleanup, Stampede Breakfast, and Casino fundraiser. These are fun events and a great way to meet your fellow Glendalians.

Myles Trawick

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