Monika’s Grove – Naturally, Glendale Garden Project

Glendale cn

Article by Monika Smith

The concept of beautifying the west area of Glendale hall’s ‘yard’ came about this year. This is the area west of the parking lot to the tennis courts.

No kidding, we do have fabulous grounds! The amazing almost hidden valley, courtesy of the former and filled in (late 1950s) Glendale Lake, has great trees and wonderful privacy.

But what’s missing from this idyllic setting? Flowers. Yes, there’s that patch of lilies (Hermerocallis sp.) and lamb’s ears (Stachys byzantina) that has been there for a long time and needing weeding. We do have lilacs (Syringa vulgaris) and a couple of fruit trees, which are very nice and do have blossoms. But a serious, cultivated bed of flowers? No.

If you were able to get to Neighbour Day, June 15, you would have been amazed to find a lot of gorgeous annuals in front of the hall: cosmos, pansies, snapdragons, etc., adding so much colour and life to the grounds. Why not more? The annual garden showed how beautiful the yard could be. Three volunteers planted a warp speed: Monika Smith, Chris Welner, and Robert Palmer.

The downside of annuals is that they last one year. What we need are perennial flowers. Hardly, good looking, lots of colour, some fragrance, and great big blooming native plants that together have a continuous display during the summer, and volunteers!

Actually, behind the scenes work on a big garden has already started: how to make a pleasing, beautiful, contemplative, fun, and wellness-oriented space. We do need to beef up our attractiveness to lure many species of pollinators. We want more birds hanging around and to ensure they have some shelter and food. We must think about conservation and biodiversity.

A few people filled out our survey and we’re reviewing what is doable. Of course, budget is always a consideration. I’d love to see more benches and picnic tables! There is a donation for a decent-sized gazebo! What else? We can do some dreaming now, but there will be a point at which all the research, study, input, and engagement will mean: ‘Let’s go!’

I would love to see a jewel of a garden. Join us to make this happen! We are currently looking for volunteer members to join a committee on what this enhancement could become.

Contact Monika Smith at [email protected] or Mike Sanders at [email protected].

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