Haysboro President’s Message – November


As winter welcomes us to its quiet repose, and sometimes hectic commutes, these are often the days we see our neighbours less. When Fiona proposed the candle campaign – giving light to your neighbours – I was overcome with gratitude for the people in our community who are constantly seeking ways to improve the lives of others. This spirit, driven by philanthropy is the heart of community associations and organisations across the city. Over the winter I encourage you to make time for your community – skate at the rinks, attend an event, shovel for your neighbour, pass light and love. Rather than a casual conversation on your street, invite your neighbour over for Saturday morning coffee. Maybe on your commute you can offer someone a ride who is waiting at the bus stop – likely they’re going a similar direction. In a time where it may be easier to find our differences, disagree on policy and political direction, or feel isolated in your beliefs, our need to reach out within community and connect has never been greater.

I want to thank everyone who reaches out and the incredible amount of positive responses and discussion around the challenges in our neighbourhood. From answering the traffic survey, to support for a family threatened by a serious incident, I am so proud of the way our community lifts each other up. I’ve seen incredible support for those willing to help with the rink maintenance, offers to join the board and committees, an influx of families at tot time, and youth who are available to babysit.

Here’s to warm drinks, good friends, and skating and fire-pits at the hall.
