Haysboro Seniors’ Social Group Message for August

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The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 28 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm at the Haysboro Community Hall (1204 – 89 Ave SW). All seniors and soon-to-be seniors are invited to attend. Tea, coffee, and cookies are served.

This meeting is going to focus on the future of the group and whether it is still fulfilling a need in the community. For the group to continue, it is essential that members step up to fill executive positions and to assist with planning and carrying out activities. This is your opportunity to make your wishes known and to get involved if you want to see the group continue.

We are hoping for a good turn out on September 28! For further information, call Denise Palmer at 403-252-6453 or Doris Bessie at 403-457-2893.

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