Haysboro’s Message from the Board for April

Haysboro mb

This month should be filled with discovery, as children can enjoy Easter Egg Hunts and grown-ups begin the first steps of preparing their gardens.

April will also usher in moments in Alberta when pandemic protocol will no longer be front and centre of daily life, except for specific healthcare settings, and much of the economy can resume.

Let’s allow this reopening and thaw of spring to be a joyful moment.

Come discover what we have to offer at the Haysboro community Hall.

Many events and programs are running, and we invite you to check out what is included in this issue of the Haysboro Horn, check out our website, or like our page on Facebook to see what is available.

As always, the members at the Haysboro Community Association continue to work, meet, and plan for numerous community events, programs, and improvements to nurture this community.

We certainly do have wonderful people at the Haysboro Community Association – but we need more! Calling on anyone curious to get in touch with us. We could use more people on the board.

You can email Diane at the office at [email protected].

Acting President