Haysboro’s Message from the Board for February

Haysboro mb

Perhaps you are like me, when the new holiday long weekend comes along in mid-February it always feels like a welcome surprise! These past few years, it has been nice to have another occasion to be with loved ones or take a break from the everyday after the bustle of December and the slowdown of January. I hope that we all can find some time to enjoy some fresh air on this Family Day.

Stay tuned for more updates about the project and events we hope to be working on later in the spring!

As always, the members at the Haysboro Community Association continue to work, meet, and plan for numerous community events, programs, and improvements to nurture this community. We certainly do have wonderful people at the Haysboro Community Association, but we need more! Calling on anyone curious, to get in touch with us. We could use more people on the board.

You can email Diane at the office [email protected].

We are looking forward to more community focus in the months, and years ahead.

Acting President