Haysboro’s President’s Message for June

Haysboro cn

We can welcome the summer in short order! Although I do think we had really warm, sunny days quite early, they also brought summer-like thunderstorms. Certainly, our hearts are with central and northern Alberta that battled wildfires beginning very early in the wildfire season.

The changing season is just another transition period we face as a province. By the time this letter is in the newsletter in your mailbox, Alberta’s provincial government will be carrying out a new mandate. The Haysboro Community Association is of course not a political organization, but I bring this up as an observation. The lawn signs have been collected. And we as a community carry forward.

At the hall, our Facilities Committee is working through a number of projects, funded by grants. I can share more as the weeks progress, but work is underway. I’m delighted the board continues to discuss and oversee numerous projects for upkeep.

A reminder that the community members who may not be sitting board members are indeed welcome to join and share feedback about some of these projects on the Facilities Committee which communicates largely through email.

Feel free to get in touch with me or another board member for more information.

We hope you enjoyed the events in May and early June, including the Community Cleanup at the hall!

Now attention can turn to the summer camps to be offered through the summer. Details are likely on another page.

Another note that our preschool continues to be open for registration! A reminder that there are subsidies available! Amazing, dedicated teachers and our lovely facility are all part of the preschool experience.

Welcome to summer and the end of the academic year!


Stephanie Thomas

President, Haysboro Community Association

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