Killarney-Glengarry’s Note from the Editor – December


Dear Neighbours,

Welcome to the December edition of the Killarney-Glengarry newsletter.

As we start to close out this unusual year this month, it is also a time to reflect on 2020 as a whole and prepare for the holiday season, which promises to also be very different from past years. I, myself will be remaining in Calgary this Christmas, and anticipate that it will be a quiet one! In some respects, this is quite welcome, as the holidays can be quite a stressful time of year with social obligations and/or travel to see loved ones.

This year, the holiday parties that my brokerage typically holds in November and December will not be happening; however, in their place there is a focus on giving, with a fundraising drive to raise money for charities supported by the company. Perhaps this year the focus will be more on giving back to the community and supporting local organizations that help those in need.

I would love to hear how you have celebrated this holiday season that perhaps differs from the usual, including ways that you have given back to the community.

Season’s Greetings!

Jane Phillips, Editor, [email protected]