Killarney-Glengarry’s November President’s Message

Killarney pm

Service with a smile!

It was snowing! Remember the last week of September when the temperature dropped some 28 degrees? A bunch of us parents were bundled up at the annual Terry Fox Run at Killarney Elementary School to encourage the kids to finish their laps in honour of a man that spurred great awareness for his cause, which now serves Cancer research every year.

Now it is November and we are into the season of a different sort of remembering; it is time to remember the veterans who served our country. Please make sure you buy a Poppy and support the local legion by attending their Remembrance Day service at the hall on November 11.

This newsletter marks my 33rd President’s message and will be my last, as the time has come to provide the opportunity to a new President. It has been a privilege and honour to serve in this role for almost 3 years. Together, the board has greatly strengthened the foundation of KGCA, improved its brand, implemented inclusive programs and spaces, and readied it for future growth. If you are interested in learning more about the President role and if it could be a fit for you, read the article in this newsletter and please get in touch. I would happily take you out for coffee.

“Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going” Terry Fox