Killarney-Glengarry’s October President’s Message

Killarney pm

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

– Henry David Thoreau, American philosopher

I read this on the back of a menu recently and it resonated.

As I sipped my drink, I pondered about what I have “seen” lately that I can be grateful for in this month of Thanksgiving. When you walk through the community, when you head to work, when you harvest/shop for a meal or share it with family & friends this month, take a moment to “see” what’s around you, and what you can be grateful for.

We at the KGCA are grateful for your support in readership, membership, and volunteer effort. Thanks especially to those that attended our recent AGM to hear first-hand about some exciting upcoming work.

If you would like to see events like hot dogs on Halloween, food tours, or winter-themed events, we need your help. Contact us ASAP to help lead one of these small events!

Happy Thanksgiving and have a safe Halloween!
