Kingsland’s June President’s Message


I hope everyone is enjoying spring as it unfolds; grass is green, and perennials are showing signs of life with fresh new shoots emerging.

Calgary is still practicing social distancing, as Alberta’s COVID-19 numbers continue to be reported. We need to be patient. We have been doing a great so far!

I would like to thank the Board and Committee Members for doing a great job working on projects and attending virtual meetings to keep the business operations going. Kingsland Community Association is doing fine during these unprecedented times. We have no income but are managing to pay our bills.

The Volunteer Appreciation Social will not be held this year due to social distancing measures and the safety of the volunteers. Thank you for the volunteers who continue to support the community.

Clean-Up days have been cancelled by the City of Calgary for year 2020. Kingsland is proposing a DIY (Do-It-Your); please consider adding to your walk (perhaps one day a week) by taking a garbage bag with you and picking up whatever litter you see. Over the summer you will make a huge difference. Please check the website for more information.

The Self-Isolation 2020 Art Project 1 had a great response. Thank you for participating. Project 2 will be Rocking Kingsland. We are asking volunteers to paint rocks; they will be placed at the hall in the front garden. I am looking forward to seeing unique ideas. Rock on! Please check the website for more information.

Broxburn Vegetables is considering hosting a vegetable truck that will feature fresh produce grown in Alberta. Stay tuned for more details.

Rink update – the basketball court hoops and accessories should be finished by end of May or mid-June for your enjoyment.

Inspirational quote: “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you’ve ever imagined.” – Dr. Seuss

Christine Dombroski