Kingsland’s President’s Message for December

Kingsland cn

Happy December Neighbours,

Hard to believe Christmas is just around the corner! Wishing you and yours a merry, safe, and happy holiday season from all of us at the Kingsland Community Association.

Getting used to the darker days and cooler temperatures is always a challenge, take a peak at the City of Calgary’s website for winter activities happening across our city to get you moving and have a bit of fun,

Personally, I look forward to seeing our rinks being used and enjoyed! We appreciate all the help we can get with the rinks, and we need volunteers to make the outdoor ice rinks a success. Please see our website to signup to volunteer or email us at [email protected].

Keep an eye on our social media and our website for upcoming events. As always, we seek your guidance and feedback as community residents about what you would like to see from your community association in terms of events and activities – so please reach out.

To stay up to date on all things Kingsland community, make sure to check out our website’s homepage to see what’s new in our neighbourhood and follow us on social media at @kingslandcommunityyyc! We also have an email newsletter that goes out every month or two – subscribe to the eNewsletter using the purple button at the very bottom of our website. We love input and ideas for events, activities, or community enrichment from our residents, connect with us!

Please see our website for open board positions and send an email to [email protected] if you would like to meet with our succession committee to discuss joining the board.

All the best,

David Sanderson


*Note this message is written one month in advance

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