Kingsland’s President’s Message for June

Kingsland cn

Happy June Neighbours!

Summer is around the corner, and I am happy to see how well my flowers from our Spring Flower Fundraiser are doing. Thank you to all who were able to support our fundraiser. The Parade of Garage Sales is the weekend prior to Neighbour Day, Saturday, June 8, 2024, so get your saleable treasures ready and reach out to get onto the map for the big day.

Our Cleanup Day is Saturday, June 15, 2024. Cleanup will start in the morning, and we are planning kids’ activities and a BBQ! Watch for updates on our social media and website. Seeking volunteers for assistance in making this a memorable day!

The Kingsland School Site demolition should be completed by the end of this month. The City and our Subcommittee have a few ideas in mind to activate the space for summer 2024 while we work together on a vision for the site.

The First week of July we have engaged with the City of Calgary for a free kids’ day camp on the KCA grounds – keep an eye on our website and social media for updates as they arise.

To stay up to date on all things Kingsland Community, make sure to check out our website’s homepage to see what’s new in our neighbourhood and follow us on social media at @kingslandcommunityyyc! We also have an email newsletter that goes out every month or two – subscribe to the eNewsletter using the purple button at the very bottom of our website.

We love input and ideas for events, activities, or community enrichment from our residents, connect with us!

If you have any interest in volunteering with us, please reach out by email through [email protected].

All the best,

David Sanderson

KCA President

*Note this message is written one month in advance

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