Kingsland’s President’s Message for March

Kingsland cn

Happy March Neighbours,

Soon Daylight Savings will spring us forward an hour so we may enjoy more and more daylight hours. Spring is just around the corner, and I am just starting up my Dahlias from their slumber in my crawl space. A big thank you to Laura, Cris, and all our volunteers who made Winterfest 2025 happen. Skating, tobogganing, and roasting of hotdogs was great fun – not to mention the minute-to win-it games were a success as always. The day could not have happened without our reliable and handy ice rink volunteers either – a big shout out to our ice rink angels.

Our renovation to the back entrance and deck and ramp is complete, thank you Cris Dombroski – Lifecycle Director (retired) for quarterbacking this massive undertaking. Your efforts and time are greatly appreciated, and the Community Centre building has benefited greatly under your care.

We are working on our social calendar for the year and will be setting up a Social Committee to help plan and facilitate KCA social events for the year. Keep an eye on our social media and our website for upcoming events. As always, we seek your guidance and feedback as community residents about what you would like to see from your Community Association in terms of events and activities – so please reach out.

To stay up to date on all things Kingsland community, make sure to check out our website’s homepage to see what’s new in our neighbourhood and follow us on social media at @kingslandcommunityyyc! We also have an email newsletter that goes out every month or two – subscribe to the eNewsletter using the purple button at the very bottom of our website. We love input and ideas for events, activities, or community enrichment from our residents, connect with us!

Please see our website for open Board Positions and send an email to [email protected] to discuss joining the board.

All the best,

David Sanderson

KCA President

[email protected]

*Note this message is written one month in advance.

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