CBMCA’s President’s Report for December

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Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 20. At the time of writing, it is before the AGM so we cannot report on what happened until the January newsletter. However, our AGMs are always great as we celebrate our accomplishments and the people who help make them happen. We thank everyone who helped during the last year.

Ongoing Community Events

We have ongoing jazz and potlucks in the community centre. Jazz is normally the first Wednesday but the January one is on the second Wednesday. There is a different jazz group each month. It is an affordable night out and the jazz groups are very good.

The November jazz event was a full house with all seats filled. It featured Rick Climans who is the person who schedules the jazz groups. We suggest you come early, enjoy a beverage, and get a good seat.

The December potluck is on Sunday, December 1 and the January potluck is on Sunday, January 12. This is a great way to meet and get to know others. There is always lots of great food.

Flu Shot Clinic

The third annual Flu Shot Clinic was held on Saturday, October 19. We partnered with PrimeCare Pharmacy and Compounding who are in the community. People appreciated the convenience of being close to home. The attendance has been growing as people become aware of this event.

History Book Third Printing Available

The third printing of our award-winning history book is available for purchase at all our events at the community centre. This is a great way of learning the history of the community in which you live. They are great as gifts. We have sold over 700 books so far. Still only $30.

Casino 2025

Our next casino will be scheduled in the third quarter of 2025 (July, August, September). We will let you know the dates when AGLC release the dates to us. This is an important fundraiser, and we need many volunteers.

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