Cliff Bungalow – Mission Community Hero Awards 2024

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Each year we recognize the contributions of some wonderful volunteers. Leslie Evans, Executive Director of the Federation of Calgary Communities presented three Community Hero Awards at the AGM. The award to Geraldine Gray was presented at the December 1 potluck.

Dee Dodd

Dee Dodd is a community cleanup superhero! Every year she shows up at our annual Swap! Drop! and Donate! event, clad in a high visibility vest and steel-toed boots, and ready to work. And she works hard! Dee stations herself at the big garbage trucks, where she helps residents unload their cars and makes sure that useable items are diverted to the Swap! tables for others to take home. This year, when Robin (the Environment Director) missed the window to secure the metals recycling company, Dee called in some favours and there was a bin there by noon. The Swap! Drop! and Donate! community cleanup would not be the successful event it is without Dee, and we can’t imagine doing it without her. That’s why Dee Dodd is one of our community heroes.

Ian Miller

Ian Miller is a gardening force of nature! A long-time gardener at the Mission community garden, Ian spends hours each week helping plant and maintain the stunning perennial beds outside that garden. He has also taken ownership of the greenspace around the garden. From spring until fall you’ll see Ian in William Aberhart Park, picking up trash, raking leaves, mulching trees, and generally keeping the space a beautiful spot to spend time. For the last two summers Ian has really shown up for the Environment committee when we needed help planting new trees and clearing brush around the community centre and at Triangle Park. It’s hard, physical work and Ian is there when we call. That’s why Ian Miller is one of our community heroes.

Geraldine Gray

As far as our records indicate, it was a snowy Sunday, May 4, 2014, when one of the first potlucks was held in our hall. People brought a food dish to share, met community neighbours, and had lively discussions on various topics near and far. The leader behind this event was Geraldine Gray. Ten years later, Geraldine is still heading up the core group of people who attend, help set up and take down. Much has changed. We now have dishes and cutlery and can wash them in a dishwasher instead of the sink. But through it all Geraldine has been the backbone of our potluck events. We can’t thank her enough for her steadfast support and we want to recognize her as a community hero.

Zaak Karim

Zaak has volunteered with the CBMCA’s Planning and Development Committee for many years and has served as its director for the past four. It’s a challenging situation, where community volunteers are tasked with responding capably to project applications put forward by professional developers, architects, and their consultants. Zaak’s understanding of property development and urban planning matters has allowed the community association to respond to these intense redevelopment pressures from a position of competence and assurance. This position, among other things, requires the director to draft lengthy, detailed, and technical responses from the Community to development applications – a solitary and time-consuming task. Zaak is quite possibly the most knowledgeable and capable Planning Director the CBMCA has ever had and for this reason we’re pleased to recognize him as a Community Hero.

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