North Glenmore Park’s September President’s Message

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Greetings friends and neighbours!

September is upon us, which means back to school and fall programs. The community centre is open, albeit with COVID-19 safety restrictions as outlined by the provincial and municipal governments. Please visit for updates on programming such as playgroup, FUNctional Fitness, and open gym.  We assess the situation regularly and will re-introduce programs (with health protocols in place) when safe to do so.  We were very pleased to be able to run modified outdoor day camps for community children over the summer.

There are a few ways that you can support the community association during this challenging time.  You can buy a membership (visit  You could consider joining the community association’s Board of Directors (email [email protected] or call 403-246-4243), and you can participate in our upcoming bottle drive.  On Saturday, September 19, the community association will collect your bottles and cans with the funds being used to support our operations.  We would be very grateful for any support you can offer.

Be kind to each other. Calgary has always been known as a city that supports its citizens. And the best support is always neighbour to neighbour. Thank you for being the best neighbours!