Attention Oakridge Resident: Glenmore Landing Redevelopment Letter


Dear Oakridge Community Association,

We hope you have been keeping well since we last connected on the application for redevelopment of the Glenmore Landing Shopping Centre site.

We would like to begin by expressing our appreciation to the Oakridge Community Association and members of your community, who we have had the opportunity to meet at various engagement events over the course of the project to provide feedback and input on the application. We acknowledge the time and effort that has been committed by you and community members to participate in the engagement process.

Since the conclusion of the formal public engagement in November 2023, there have been numerous modifications to the application, in response to input gathered during the engagement period and to incorporate feedback from the City. The current proposal for land use redesignation is for development on the surplus City owned lands only. The application no longer includes a proposal to redesignate the existing shopping centre, with land use remaining as the Commercial – Community 2 (C-C2) District.

We are writing to let you know that after extensive collaboration with the City of Calgary (City), the application for redevelopment of Glenmore Landing is ready to be brought forward to Approving Authorities at the City. As such, we would like to bring the Oakridge Community Association’s attention to the following upcoming City meeting dates.

December 3, 2024 (tentative date): Council/Public Hearing

Public meeting for approval of the Land Use Redesignation and proposed non-statutory Design Framework policy document.

This meeting in anticipated to be held in person at City Hall in Council Chambers, where the public will have the opportunity to speak.

For more information, please visit the City website to understand the Public Hearing process and instructions to register to participate.

We thank you in advance for your time.


Mike Coldwell, Urban Systems, on behalf of RioCan

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