Oakridge Civic Affairs September Update


We are looking for new OCA board members who will focus on city planning activities and separately on local road safety as the current board members will be less involved than recently. Please notify the OCA if you are interested and plan to attend the Annual General Meeting on Monday, September 16 at 7:00 pm.

Citywide Rezoning

Please refer to prior editions of the Oakridge Echo for sources of information and background. Citywide rezoning came into effect on August 6 ahead of any further administration analysis as directed by Council. Please visit https://www.calgary.ca/planning/projects/rezoning-for-housing.html for the latest information.

RioCan Development at Glenmore Landing

As previously reported, on June 24, the City issued a Circulation Package for LOC2023-0130 – 9045 14 St SW, 1600 90 Ave SW, 1630 90 Ave SW. It appears that the number of future occupants has increased significantly, and comments were due no later than July 22 at https://dmap.calgary.ca/?find=LOC2023-0130. Several residents commented on the revised plans for the new Land Use. Additional comments may be accepted after this date.

We did have further dialogue with City staff on the ‘Traffic Impact Assessment’ and likely traffic mitigations on August 7. The focus will be to make pedestrian safety a priority at the 16 St intersection while vehicle efficiency will determine improvements at 14 St intersection, including additional lanes on 14 St and additional lights. The City Development staff will be supporting conditional approval at the Calgary Planning Commission meeting on September 5 at 1:00 pm. Refer to https://www.calgary.ca/council/meetings/council-calendars.html?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D170893889.

We have a new request into RioCan to make the TIA public but have still not heard back.


A different perspective on the development with similar concerns with traffic is available at https://www.stopthetowers.ca/traffic-concerns.

Co-op Redevelopment

Co-op construction is continuing, and they remain on track for a spring 2025 completion date. No further update available but keep updated at https://www.calgarycoop.com/locations/oakridge-2/.

Oakridge Area Upgrade Projects

Road calming is still planned at Palliser Dr and 29 St is being implemented. We did have some concerns with the planned and now partially implemented road calming measures, but we did not want any further delays. Our thoughts were to accept the City’s design and then monitor its effectiveness and any issues.

Other locations of concern to residents are assessed by the City as not warranting any upgrades. Please use the City of Calgary 3-1-1 line or https://www.calgary.ca/311.html to report issues.

Click here to the Oakridge Community News home page for the latest Oakridge community updates.


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