Oakridge Community Garden (OCG) Update for June


Our fourth 2024 OCG Executive meeting (#103) was held on Thursday, April 18 followed by an OCG planning meeting on Tuesday, May 7 ahead of our raised bed replacement project. Our focus was on coordinating the replacement of the 4’ by 4’ beds which dry out very quickly into 10’ by 4‘ beds. We had luckily obtained some funds and youth volunteers from Youth Central to help us on Saturday, May 11.

The project proceeded extremely well on a lovely sunny day. We had ten individuals from Youth Central who worked hard and enthusiastically, as did our many OCG volunteers. Thanks to all for completing the scope ahead of the 3:00 pm deadline and with such positive and willing attitudes.

Our plans for 2024 (our fifth growing season), is to ensure a focus on long term sustainment. This will mean encouraging more new members and a greater sharing of the volunteer effort.

We have a few events planned, many to be combined with other OCA activities.

Open Day combined with the OCA Stampede Breakfast on Sunday, July 7. Then we have a Harvest Day on Saturday, September 7 combined with a pickleball competition – no, gardeners don’t have to play!

Later in the year, we plan to repeat some Halloween celebrations with pumpkin carving and dress up celebrations – but we need enthusiastic participants and volunteers.

We will have some ‘Work Bee’ volunteer days where we will plant, water, and maintain the OCG area.

Come and volunteer and join the exciting garden group!

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