Oakridge Community Garden (OCG) Update for October


We are nearing the end of our fifth growing season with another great harvest and flower displays despite the water rationing.

Thanks again in particular to our OCG volunteers: Dave for prefabricating the benches for our YC volunteers, Lou for many other carpentry jobs such as the new table in the gazebo and mulch hauling, Chris for fixing our damaged shed skylight and staining the picnic tables, and Ron, Suzanne, Katie, Darlene, and Mike for critical watering and weeding activities – as well as others for their continued presence. A really big thank you!

During September, we will have held an ice cream celebration on Saturday, September 14 together with a fundraising event for the Food Bank. On Saturday, September 21, Youth Central (YC) volunteers will again be assisting us with some weeding, edging, and mulch placement on our pathways through the perennial beds, as well as staining our new benches and table that will be in the gazebo for year-round activities including family skating during winter. Thanks again to all our young YC volunteers.

Our final activity in October will be pumpkin carving and competition on Saturday, October 25 in conjunction with the OCA and the Home Hunters’ donation of pumpkins. Stay tuned to our OCA website and OCA Instagram posts for more information on this family event. Please let us know if you want to volunteer and assist with this activity.

Once again, we are planning ahead for 2025, our sixth growing season, to ensure a focus on long-term sustainment. We have five individuals on our waitlist for next year. Join our Level One this year, learn about us and volunteer which will give you early notice for renting a raised bed in 2025.

Come enjoy our fall plants, and if interested, volunteer and join the exciting garden group.

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