Oakridge Koffee Klatch: Oakridge and Area Coffee Group Invite


Main floor of the Oakridge Centre lobby.

Every Wednesday. Drop-in 9:30 to 11:30 am. Extended time during Speaker Forums.

Chat with your neighbours and friends. All ages welcome.

Join us Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 am in the lobby of the Oakridge Community Centre for coffee and conversation. We update our weekly email list with upcoming presentations and events in our local area.

• Weekly Local Walk Invitation. Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Open to all ages and abilities. Contact below for locations calendar.

• June, July, and August. Saturday Recreational Activities (See the OCC front lobby board for details). First and third Saturday of the month from 10:00 am to noon. Kayak/canoe and gear, City Sailing rental – 90 Ave and 24 St.

• Second and fourth Saturday of the month at 10:00. Walks: Various City locations – See the OCC bulletin board for details.

• Friday, June 28. Day Trip Kananaskis: William Watson Lodge, Peter Lougheed Provincial Park. Departure at 8:30 am from the Oakridge Community Centre. Transportation by individuals or by carpool. Activity details updated by email. Pre-register. See below.

Contact Gary at [email protected] or 403-831-5682 to sign up or request information.

The Oakridge Coffee Club provides an inclusive, mutually supportive social environment. It helps residents live-in-place longer, engages in community activities, and combats loneliness and isolation. This is done through a network of supportive friends, events, purposeful forums, tours, or individual support. Active since January 2022, we are a welcoming, growing group.

Click here to the Oakridge Community News home page for the latest Oakridge community updates.


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