Reaching Out to Oakridge Neighbours


Text or phone Bruce at 403-816-7271 or email [email protected] for a contact list, details, or for answers to questions.

Drop-in Wednesday mornings for Chat and Coffee Time from 9:15 to 11:15 am at the Oakridge community centre main floor. Drop-in and meet others! During October, we met new arrivals, and eight people returned to continue the connection. We have guest speakers come in on Wednesdays at 11:00 am about every four to six weeks. Located on the second floor of the community centre. Presentation topics come from suggestions we receive. October 23, Karen Lee shared insights about life stories. Karen shared techniques to accumulate short memoirs of life experiences. Writing journals, revisiting photos, or recording memories sparked numerous questions and dialogue. Tuesdays at 10:00 am, we lead morning walks to explore the Reservoir pathway, Oakridge community, and a visit to Fish Creek Park. Our monthly calendar includes location details. Various outings have introduced us to various experiences in Calgary and nearby areas.

Upcoming Community Calendar Events

• Guest Speakers: 11:00 am, second floor of the Oakridge community centre (upstairs lift available). Wednesday, December 4 at 11:00 am we will have Mr. Frank Okeeffe, local author of several book publications. Frank lives in a neighbouring community, and he participates in our weekly chat group. Frank has created and published a wide variety of book genres. He will share how he creates ideas, writes books, and finds publishers for his variety of books and publications.

• Presentation by Healthy Aging Alberta: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:00 am. Bridging the Gap for Community Supports between medical and social care services. Appropriate for all adult age groups, as at various times, families need to address situations which may benefit from having awareness on how to access support during stressful times. Through this approach, healthcare professionals refer and connect patients to community-based programs, services, and activities to improve their health and enhance their quality of life.

Special Outings Invite

*Contact information is at the top of the page.

1. Friday, December 6, Christmas Luncheon, 11:30 am, Carriage House Hotel.

2. Thursday, December 26, Boxing Day Jubilations Dinner Theatre. All Those Rolling Stones. Let’s go as a group (yes, Boxing Day). Bill and Karen have started already and booked seats, 280 A and B. Book early to ensure you get seats together or that day. Let us know if you are coming so we can meet you there.

3. Tuesday Outdoor Walks from 10:00 to about 11:30 am. About one hour + café time. Different routes, easy and moderate, along Glenmore Reservoir, Oakridge community, and Fish Creek Park. Our calendar is posted in the Café Concession glass cabinet and the hockey rink bulletin board. Text or phone Gary at 403-831-5682 details.

Click here to the Oakridge Community News home page for the latest Oakridge community updates.