Reaching Out to Oakridge Neighbours


Chat and Coffee

Oakridge Community Centre Main Floor

Drop-in Wednesday mornings 9:15 and 11:15 am

Text/phone Bruce at 403-816-7271 or email [email protected] regarding contact list, event details, or questions.

Weekly Wednesday Drop-in Time: Our invitation for you to chat with other people in the neighbourhood and nearby communities. Despite the December postal strike stalling the delivery of the Oakridge Echo, our activities continued as usual. During November and December, we welcomed new arrivals each week; our circle of friends and contact list continues to grow. Mark your calendar for Wednesday and stop by between 9:15 and11:15 am on the Main Floor Concession area in Oakridge Community Centre.

Wednesday Guest Speakers

11:00 am, Wednesday about every four to six weeks, second floor – informative presentation topics from suggestions by attendees. Check the Reaching Out to Neighbours monthly calendars posted on bulleting areas inside the Community Centre. Next speaker date is Wednesday, January 22, 2025.

Social prescribing is a holistic approach to healthcare bridging the gaps between medical and social care services in Alberta. Healthcare professionals can refer patients to community-based programs to improve their health and enhance their quality of life. Become informed of key elements to assist families in considering the transition of family seniors to appropriate supportive services, thus saving time toward and accessing information on making family decisions such as home support, social worker assistance, and steps toward future living arrangements.

Recent Speaker Notes

• November 20, 2024, Speaker: Chidi of Oakridge Pharmacy refreshed our awareness of continuing the annual flu vaccine activity, also, the latest 2024 COVID shot, and the RSV injection. RSV is a common infection that affects the airways and lungs. It is a type of respiratory illness. It is usually mild, but it can be more serious in young children, older adults, and people with certain health at-risk problems. The RSV vaccine is available free of charge at Alberta pharmacies for individuals over 75 years of age and 60+ year olds living in a continuing care or a supportive living facility. Call your local pharmacy, or Health Link at 8-1-1 for information about immunization (

• December 4, 2024, Speaker Frank O’Keeffe presented interesting and entertaining walk through his and his wife’s world travels and the events that precipitated many of his books. Many thanks to Frank. Frank is a frequent Wednesday attender.

Second Annual Christmas Celebration at the Carriage House

Friday, December 6, 2024. A great success and bodes well for another one each year going forward. Twenty-two people attended. Many thanks to Thomie for organizing this fun event.

Click here to the Oakridge Community News home page for the latest Oakridge community updates.