PBPCA President’s Message for November

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Greetings everyone! Here is an update.

Our casino fundraiser was held at the end of September. We are so grateful to and congratulate Norm Bunn and all the volunteers who make this event a success.

We are pleased to welcome Seedlings Preschool back with the recent four-year extension of their tenancy.

We are reviewing and awaiting information relied on by the City in connection with the revised proposal for Glenmore Landing redevelopment, which now appears almost double the density initially approved by the City. We expect that this aggressive move to be viewed with interest in our court action. It comes while continuing to withhold the information we have been requesting (and need to provide meaningful response) in connection with the initial application to permit high rise development that would see several thousand more people using Glenmore Landing every day. Understandably, we have, all along, been concerned to see the assumptions that have been made about the effect on the Glenmore reservoir and nearby parkland, and whether our infrastructure can reasonably be expected to serve the increased demands. There is already reduced vehicle access to the site because of the new bus lane along 14 St and what is proposed requires a tremendous increase in needs for water, sewer, and emergency access, which were not planned for when the present infrastructure was built.

These concerns have increased – not diminished – with what we have seen this past summer, concerning how well City water mains have been maintained up till now.

We expect to see increased public interest in these critically important issues, after January, when more discussion will develop, in anticipation of the upcoming municipal election.

Our Community Association plans to hold an Open House, in late February or early March, with our Annual General Meeting. Watch for further announcements and mark your calendars. We hope to see you there.

Our thanks to all of you for your commitment to democracy and protection of our rights, and especially for your contributions to support these things by contributing to the legal costs of the court proceeding.

Please consider the value of your homes and provide your generous contribution to help with those legal costs, which is needed and will be appreciated.

The PBPCA is a registered charity. Through our website, www.pbpcommunity.ca/donate/ you can follow the link and get an immediate tax receipt for your donation.

To save on processing fees, for donations of more than $250, please note “Environmental and Planning Advocacy” on the cheque, payable to “Palliser Bayview Pumphill Community Association”. Mail the cheque to the PBPCA at 2323 Palliser Drive SW Calgary, Alberta, T2V 3S4, and the tax receipt will be mailed to you.

Wishing you all the best as the festive season approaches.

Harris Hanson

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