PBPCA vs City of Calgary

PBP cn

This court action for judicial review is to invalidate the decision to sell the greenspace next to Glenmore Landing (intended to be used for high rise residential towers) for failure to disclose relevant information requested before the decision.

At this point, we are still waiting for the City to disclose relevant records in this court action.

Your help with legal costs will be appreciated.

The PBPCA is a registered charity. Through our website (www.pbpcommunity.ca/donate/) you can follow the link and get an immediate tax receipt for your donation. To save on processing fees, for donations of more than $250, please note “Environmental and Planning Advocacy” on the cheque, payable to “Palliser Bayview Pumphill Community Association”. Mail the cheque to the PBPCA at 2323 Palliser Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2V 3S4, and the tax receipt will be mailed to you.

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