PBP’s News and Views from around the “Hood” – June

PBP cn
  • City of Calgary’s “Modernizing of Joint Use Sites” is a recent strategy of City Council, which may affect some or all residential communities, including PBP. Joint Use Sites Agreements were originally created to provide green space and parks (Public Reserves). Public lands were set aside for athletic facilities, school sites, and community associations. This “Modernization” provides the City with the opportunity to modify or discontinue existing joint use agreements with school boards and sports organizations across Calgary, with the intention to subdivide, rezone, and sell these public lands, for redevelopment. Questions are being circulated as to the motives for this proposed planning change. Consider: Playgrounds such as Nellie McClung School, and soccer fields and ball diamonds in Tom Brooke Park (located south of Southland Leisure Centre), or possibly portions of South Glenmore Park. Any or all of these sites may be selected for redevelopment, as the City’s intention appears to be subdivision, rezoning, and sale of parcels of City lands located within existing single-family residential communities, to allow development of multi-family housing (i.e. population densification). Also, such transfers of existing public lands for redevelopment will generate additional funds for the City. We are continuing to watch this very closely.
  • Traffic on 90th Avenue continues to be problematic for residents of Oakridge. Commercial trucks appear to be using 90th Avenue (and possibly Southland Drive) as shortcuts. Example: When walking along 90th Avenue recently, a heavily loaded, dual trailer unit passed me travelling eastbound. The noise was excessive. We will continue to monitor this with help from residents of Palliser and Bayview, backing onto 90th Avenue. Please inform your Community Association of traffic related noise issues, alleged vehicle infractions, or concerns for traffic issues. Residents can also call 311, to lodge a concern/ complaint.
  • Community Collabs Project: Work continues with the U of C SAPL students to generate plans and details for the “Catwalk” project located in the walkway between Palliswood Road and 90th Avenue. A schedule has been prepared, along with a material list and work plans. A copy of these documents is attached for information. Also, an updated budget is being prepared following our meeting on April 27 (copy of notes is attached). In addition, we discussed the need for volunteers to arrange watering of the plant beds and maintenance of the walkway through the summer and fall. Volunteers are also required for construction and installation. Members of the BOD will be called upon to lead teams, such as carpentry, site preparations, installations of plant boxes, and cleanup, so be prepared to participate. Some of the students may be available to help, but we have not addressed particulars yet.
  • “Guidebook for Great Communities: What we heard” presentation by City Planning, Thursday evening, April 29, 2021 outlining recommended changes to the Guidebook.

In a nutshell, recommended changes include:

  1. The name of the document is changed to “Guide for Local Area Planning”.
  2. 62 changes recommended, including recommendation as a “policy” document.
  3. Changes intended to improve guidance, best practices, and common direction for growth and redevelopment within established areas of the city, and to better manage growth.
  4. Link to the proposed Guide: “calgary.ca/guidebook” and go to “Guide Update”.