Richmond Knob Hill Development Committee Update – December


After many years of dedicated service and much dialogue with developers and residents alike, the RKHCA Development Committee will no longer be reviewing, commenting on, or otherwise engaging on proposed developments in the community of Richmond/Knob Hill (RKH). Due to changes in the City’s processes, the Committee no longer believes it can positively impact development in the community, especially when weighed against the volunteer effort required to assess applications.

The RKHCA does continue to expect new developments in RKH to be respectful of neighbouring properties, of the street-scape, and of the community as a whole. In this regard developers should:

  1. Meaningfully engage with the occupants of the neighbouring properties, particularly those directly beside, behind and across from the proposed development; and
  2. Comply with RKHCA’s Residential Development Design Guidelines, which are posted on our website.

RKH residents are similarly encouraged to engage whenever a new development is proposed to be built on a neighbouring property to find out what is being proposed, and to work with both the developer and the project’s File Manager at the City to resolve any concerns. Arrangements to review plans for proposed developments can be made by contacting the File Manager, whose name and contact information can be found either on the public notice posted on the subject property or by entering the address of the subject property on the City’s online Planning and Development Map. Alternatively, it should be possible for neighbours or other affected persons to obtain a PDF copy of the plans from the Ward 8 Counsellor’s office, as that office is circulated on all proposed developments in RKH.

Additional information regarding the development approval process can be found on the RKHCA website. Any related questions should be directed to the developer, the File Manager or to the Ward 8 Counsellor’s office, as appropriate.

You are also welcome to direct questions surrounding the Development Committee’s decision to cease reviewing, commenting on, or engaging on proposed developments in the community to the RKHCA Board of Directors at [email protected].